Source code for jsonextended.ejson

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -- coding: utf-8 --

# TODO see below
# output json with arrays all on one line
# doesn't seem an easy way
# could use this:,
# but wrap lists with NoIndent first
# would need to go through first and wrap values
# that are list instances with NoIndent first

# internal packages
import json
import os
from decimal import Decimal

# local imports
from jsonextended.edict import indexes, convert_type, pprint  # noqa: F401
from jsonextended.plugins import decode

# python 3 to 2 compatibility
    import pathlib
except ImportError:
    import pathlib2 as pathlib
except NameError:
    basestring = str
    from urllib2 import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen  # noqa: F401

# external packages
import warnings

warnings.simplefilter('once', ImportWarning)
    import ijson
except ImportError:

def _get_keys(file_obj, key_path=None):
    key_path = [] if key_path is None else key_path
    data = json.load(file_obj, object_hook=decode)
    data = indexes(data, key_path)
    if hasattr(data, 'keys'):
        return sorted([str(k) if isinstance(k, basestring) else k
                       for k in data.keys()])
        return []

def _get_keys_ijson(file_obj, key_path=None):
    key_path = [] if key_path is None else key_path
        path_str = '.'.join(key_path)
        keys = []
        for prefix, etype, value in ijson.parse(file_obj):
            if etype == 'map_key':
                if prefix == path_str:
        return sorted([str(k) if isinstance(k, basestring) else k
                       for k in keys])
    except NameError:
        warnings.warn('ijson package not found in environment, \
please install for on-disk key indexing', ImportWarning)
        return _get_keys(file_obj, key_path)

def _get_keys_folder(jdir, key_path=None, in_memory=True,
                     ignore_prefix=('.', '_')):
    """ get json keys from directory structure



    => ['sub_dir1', 'sub_dir2']
    => ['data1', 'data2']

    NB: json files are identified with .json extension
        files/directories beginning with '.' are ignored

    if not hasattr(jdir, 'iterdir'):
        raise ValueError('jdir is not a path object; {}'.format(jdir))

    key_path = [] if key_path is None else key_path

    keys = []

    key_found = False if key_path else True
    search_key = key_path[0] if len(key_path) > 0 else None

    for jsub in jdir.iterdir():
        if jsub.is_file() and[-5:] == '.json':

            name, ext = os.path.splitext(
            if name == search_key or not key_path:
                key_found = True
                if key_path:
                    return jkeys(jsub, key_path[1:], in_memory, ignore_prefix)

        elif (jsub.is_dir()
              and not
              and ( == search_key or not key_path)):

            key_found = True
            if in keys:
                raise IOError(
                    'directory has a sub-dir and file with same name: '
                    '{1} and {1}.json in {0}'.format(jdir,
            if key_path:
                return jkeys(jsub, key_path[1:], in_memory, ignore_prefix)

    if not key_found:
        raise KeyError('key not found: {0}'.format(search_key))

    return sorted(keys)

[docs]def jkeys(jfile, key_path=None, in_memory=True, ignore_prefix=('.', '_')): """ get keys for initial json level, or at level after following key_path Parameters ---------- jfile : str, file_like or path_like if str, must be existing file or folder, if file_like, must have 'read' method if path_like, must have 'iterdir' method (see pathlib.Path) key_path : list[str] a list of keys to index into the json before returning keys in_memory : bool if true reads json into memory before finding keys (this is faster but uses more memory) ignore_prefix : list[str] ignore folders beginning with these prefixes Examples -------- >>> from jsonextended.utils import MockPath >>> file_obj = MockPath('test.json',is_file=True, ... content=''' ... { ... "a": 1, ... "b": [1.1,2.1], ... "c": {"d":"e","f":"g"} ... } ... ''') ... >>> jkeys(file_obj) ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> jkeys(file_obj,["c"]) ['d', 'f'] >>> from jsonextended.utils import get_test_path >>> path = get_test_path() >>> jkeys(path) ['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3'] >>> path = get_test_path() >>> jkeys(path, ['dir1','file1'], in_memory=True) ['initial', 'meta', 'optimised', 'units'] """ key_path = [] if key_path is None else key_path def eval_file(file_obj): if not in_memory: return _get_keys_ijson(file_obj, key_path) else: return _get_keys(file_obj, key_path) if isinstance(jfile, basestring): if not os.path.exists(jfile): raise IOError('jfile does not exist: {}'.format(jfile)) if os.path.isdir(jfile): jpath = pathlib.Path(jfile) return _get_keys_folder(jpath, key_path, in_memory, ignore_prefix) else: with open(jfile, 'r') as file_obj: return eval_file(file_obj) elif hasattr(jfile, 'read'): return eval_file(jfile) elif hasattr(jfile, 'iterdir'): if jfile.is_file(): with'r') as file_obj: return eval_file(file_obj) else: return _get_keys_folder(jfile, key_path, in_memory, ignore_prefix) else: raise ValueError( 'jfile should be a str, ' 'file_like or path_like object: {}'.format(jfile))
def _file_with_keys(file_obj, key_path=None, parse_decimal=False): """read json with keys Parameters ---------- file_obj : object object with read method key_path : list[str] key to index befor parsing parse_decimal : bool whether to parse numbers as Decimal instances (retains exact precision) Notes ----- ijson outputs decimals as Decimal class (for arbitrary precision) """ key_path = [] if key_path is None else key_path try: objs = ijson.items(file_obj, '.'.join(key_path)) except NameError: warnings.warn('ijson package not found in environment, \ please install for on-disk key indexing', ImportWarning) data = json.load( file_obj, parse_float=Decimal if parse_decimal else float, object_hook=decode) return indexes(data, key_path) try: data = next(objs) # .next() except StopIteration: raise KeyError('key path not available in json: {}'.format(key_path)) # by default ijson parses Decimal values if not parse_decimal: convert_type(data, Decimal, float, in_place=True) datastr = json.dumps(data) data = json.loads(datastr, object_hook=decode) return data # TODO this is a hack to get _folder_to_json to work # if last key_path is at a leaf node, should improve class _Terminus(object): def __hash__(self): return 1 def __eq__(self, other): return True def _folder_to_json(jdir, key_path=None, in_memory=True, ignore_prefix=('.', '_'), dic={}, parse_decimal=False): """ read in folder structure as json e.g. jdir sub_dir1 data.json sub_dir2 data.json _folder_to_json(jdir) => {'sub_dir1':{'data':{...}}, 'sub_dir2':{'data':{...}}} NB: json files are identified with .json extension """ key_path = [] if key_path is None else key_path if not hasattr(jdir, 'iterdir'): raise ValueError('jdir is not a path object; {}'.format(jdir)) key_found = False if key_path else True search_key = key_path[0] if len(key_path) > 0 else None for jsub in jdir.iterdir(): if jsub.is_file() and'.json'): name, ext = os.path.splitext( if name == search_key or not key_path: key_found = True if key_path: data = to_dict(jsub, key_path[1:], in_memory, ignore_prefix, parse_decimal) if isinstance(data, dict): dic.update(data) else: dic.update({_Terminus(): data}) else: dic[name] = to_dict(jsub, key_path[1:], in_memory, ignore_prefix, parse_decimal) elif (jsub.is_dir() and not and ( == search_key or not key_path)): key_found = True if in dic.keys(): raise IOError( 'directory has a sub-dir and file with same name: ' '{1} and {1}.json in {0}'.format(jdir, if key_path: sub_d = dic else: dic[] = {} sub_d = dic[] _folder_to_json(jsub, key_path[1:], in_memory, ignore_prefix, sub_d, parse_decimal) if not key_found: raise KeyError('key not found: {0}'.format(search_key))
[docs]def to_dict(jfile, key_path=None, in_memory=True, ignore_prefix=('.', '_'), parse_decimal=False): """ input json to dict Parameters ---------- jfile : str, file_like or path_like if str, must be existing file or folder, if file_like, must have 'read' method if path_like, must have 'iterdir' method (see pathlib.Path) key_path : list[str] a list of keys to index into the json before parsing it in_memory : bool if true reads full json into memory before filtering keys (this is faster but uses more memory) ignore_prefix : list[str] ignore folders beginning with these prefixes parse_decimal : bool whether to parse numbers as Decimal instances (retains exact precision) Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pformat >>> from jsonextended.utils import MockPath >>> file_obj = MockPath('test.json',is_file=True, ... content=''' ... { ... "a": 1, ... "b": [1.1,2.1], ... "c": {"d":"e"} ... } ... ''') ... >>> dstr = pformat(to_dict(file_obj)) >>> print(dstr.replace("u'","'")) {'a': 1, 'b': [1.1, 2.1], 'c': {'d': 'e'}} >>> dstr = pformat(to_dict(file_obj,parse_decimal=True)) >>> print(dstr.replace("u'","'")) {'a': 1, 'b': [Decimal('1.1'), Decimal('2.1')], 'c': {'d': 'e'}} >>> str(to_dict(file_obj,["c","d"])) 'e' >>> from jsonextended.utils import get_test_path >>> path = get_test_path() >>> jdict1 = to_dict(path) >>> pprint(jdict1,depth=2) dir1: dir1_1: {...} file1: {...} file2: {...} dir2: file1: {...} dir3: >>> jdict2 = to_dict(path,['dir1','file1','initial'],in_memory=False) >>> pprint(jdict2,depth=1) crystallographic: {...} primitive: {...} """ key_path = [] if key_path is None else key_path if isinstance(jfile, basestring): if not os.path.exists(jfile): raise IOError('jfile does not exist: {}'.format(jfile)) if os.path.isdir(jfile): data = {} jpath = pathlib.Path(jfile) _folder_to_json(jpath, key_path[:], in_memory, ignore_prefix, data, parse_decimal) if isinstance(list(data.keys())[0], _Terminus): data = data.values()[0] else: with open(jfile, 'r') as file_obj: if key_path and not in_memory: data = _file_with_keys(file_obj, key_path, parse_decimal) elif key_path: data = json.load( file_obj, object_hook=decode, parse_float=Decimal if parse_decimal else float) data = indexes(data, key_path) else: data = json.load( file_obj, object_hook=decode, parse_float=Decimal if parse_decimal else float) elif hasattr(jfile, 'read'): if key_path and not in_memory: data = _file_with_keys(jfile, key_path, parse_decimal) elif key_path: data = json.load( jfile, object_hook=decode, parse_float=Decimal if parse_decimal else float) data = indexes(data, key_path) else: data = json.load( jfile, object_hook=decode, parse_float=Decimal if parse_decimal else float) elif hasattr(jfile, 'iterdir'): if jfile.is_file(): with as file_obj: if key_path and not in_memory: data = _file_with_keys(file_obj, key_path, parse_decimal) elif key_path: data = json.load( file_obj, object_hook=decode, parse_float=Decimal if parse_decimal else float) data = indexes(data, key_path) else: data = json.load( file_obj, object_hook=decode, parse_float=Decimal if parse_decimal else float) else: data = {} _folder_to_json(jfile, key_path[:], in_memory, ignore_prefix, data, parse_decimal) if isinstance(list(data.keys())[0], _Terminus): data = data.values()[0] else: raise ValueError( 'jfile should be a str, ' 'file_like or path_like object: {}'.format(jfile)) return data