Source code for jsonextended.utils

import inspect
import os
import re
import subprocess
from jsonextended import _example_data_folder

# python 2/3 compatibility
except NameError:
    basestring = str
# python 3 to 2 compatibility
    import pathlib
except ImportError:
    import pathlib2 as pathlib

# back compatibility
from jsonextended.mockpath import MockPath, colortxt  # noqa: F401

[docs]def class_to_str(obj): """ get class string from object Examples -------- >>> class_to_str(list).split('.')[1] 'list' """ mod_str = obj.__module__ name_str = obj.__name__ if mod_str == '__main__': return name_str else: return '.'.join([mod_str, name_str])
[docs]def get_module_path(module): """return a directory path to a module""" return pathlib.Path( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(module))))
[docs]def get_test_path(): """ returns test path object Examples -------- >>> path = get_test_path() >>> '_example_data_folder' """ return get_module_path(_example_data_folder)
[docs]def get_data_path(data, module, check_exists=True): """return a directory path to data within a module Parameters ---------- data : str or list[str] file name or list of sub-directories and file name (e.g. ['lammps','data.txt']) """ basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(module))) if isinstance(data, basestring): data = [data] dirpath = os.path.join(basepath, *data) if check_exists: assert os.path.exists(dirpath), '{0} does not exist'.format(dirpath) return pathlib.Path(dirpath)
def _atoi(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text def _natural_keys(text): """human order sorting alist.sort(key=_natural_keys) """ return [_atoi(c) for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', str(text))]
[docs]def natural_sort(iterable): """human order sorting of number strings Examples -------- >>> sorted(['011','1', '21']) ['011', '1', '21'] >>> natural_sort(['011','1', '21']) ['1', '011', '21'] """ return sorted(iterable, key=_natural_keys)
[docs]def memory_usage(): """return memory usage of python process in MB from psutil is quicker >>> isinstance(memory_usage(),float) True """ try: import psutil import os except ImportError: return _memory_usage_ps() process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) mem = process.memory_info()[0] / float(2 ** 20) return mem
def _memory_usage_ps(): """return memory usage of python process in MB >>> isinstance(_memory_usage_ps(),float) True """ out = subprocess.Popen( ['ps', 'v', '-p', str(os.getpid())], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split(b'\n') vsz_index = out[0].split().index(b'RSS') mem = float(out[1].split()[vsz_index]) / 1024 return mem
[docs]def load_memit(): """load memory usage ipython magic, require memory_profiler package to be installed to get usage: %memit? Author: Vlad Niculae <> Makes use of memory_profiler from Fabian Pedregosa available at """ from IPython.core.magic import Magics, line_magic, magics_class from memory_profiler import memory_usage as _mu try: ip = get_ipython() except NameError as err: raise Exception('not in ipython/jupyter kernel:\n {}'.format(err)) @magics_class class MemMagics(Magics): @line_magic def memit(self, line='', setup='pass'): """Measure memory usage of a Python statement Usage, in line mode: %memit [-ir<R>t<T>] statement Options: -r<R>: repeat the loop iteration <R> times and take the best result. Default: 3 -i: run the code in the current environment, without forking a new process. This is required on some MacOS versions of Accelerate if your line contains a call to ``. -t<T>: timeout after <T> seconds. Unused if `-i` is active. Default: None Examples -------- :: In [1]: import numpy as np In [2]: %memit np.zeros(1e7) maximum of 3: 76.402344 MB per loop In [3]: %memit np.ones(1e6) maximum of 3: 7.820312 MB per loop In [4]: %memit -r 10 np.empty(1e8) maximum of 10: 0.101562 MB per loop In [5]: memit -t 3 while True: pass; Subprocess timed out. Subprocess timed out. Subprocess timed out. ERROR: all subprocesses exited unsuccessfully. Try again with the `-i` option. maximum of 3: -inf MB per loop """ opts, stmt = self.parse_options(line, 'r:t:i', posix=False, strict=False) repeat = int(getattr(opts, 'r', 3)) if repeat < 1: repeat == 1 timeout = int(getattr(opts, 't', 0)) if timeout <= 0: timeout = None run_in_place = hasattr(opts, 'i') # Don't depend on multiprocessing: try: import multiprocessing as pr from multiprocessing.queues import SimpleQueue q = SimpleQueue() except ImportError: class ListWithPut(list): """Just a list, where the `append` method is aliased to `put`.""" def put(self, x): self.append(x) q = ListWithPut() print( 'WARNING: cannot import module `multiprocessing`. Forcing ' 'the `-i` option.') run_in_place = True ns = def _get_usage(q, stmt, setup='pass', ns={}): try: exec(setup) in ns _mu0 = _mu()[0] exec(stmt) in ns _mu1 = _mu()[0] q.put(_mu1 - _mu0) except Exception as e: q.put(float('-inf')) raise e if run_in_place: for _ in range(repeat): _get_usage(q, stmt, ns=ns) else: # run in consecutive subprocesses at_least_one_worked = False for _ in range(repeat): p = pr.Process( target=_get_usage, args=(q, stmt, 'pass', ns)) p.start() p.join(timeout=timeout) if p.exitcode == 0: at_least_one_worked = True else: p.terminate() if p.exitcode is None: print('Subprocess timed out.') else: print( 'Subprocess exited with code %d.' % p.exitcode) q.put(float('-inf')) if not at_least_one_worked: print('ERROR: all subprocesses exited unsuccessfully. Try ' 'again with the `-i` option.') usages = [q.get() for _ in range(repeat)] usage = max(usages) print("maximum of %d: %f MB per loop" % (repeat, usage)) ip.register_magics(MemMagics)