Source code for jsonextended.mockpath

import contextlib
import os
import sys
import tempfile
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from functools import total_ordering
import collections

# python 2/3 compatibility
except NameError:
    basestring = str

    import pathlib
except ImportError:
    import pathlib2 as pathlib

except NameError:
    unicode = str

# TODO handling bytes/encoding (py 2 and 3)
class _OpenRead(object):
    def __init__(self, linelist, encoding=None, usebytes=False):
        self._linelist = linelist
        self._current_indx = 0
        self._current_line = 0
        self._encoding = encoding
        self._bytes = usebytes

    def read(self, size=None):
        out = '\n'.join(self._linelist)[self._current_indx:]
        if size is not None:
            self._current_indx += size
            out = out[0:self._current_indx]
        if self._encoding is not None:
            out = out.encode(self._encoding)
        return out

    def readline(self):
        if self._current_line >= len(self._linelist):
            line = ''
            line = self._linelist[self._current_line] + '\n'
        self._current_line += 1
        self._current_indx += len(
        if self._encoding is not None:
            line = line.encode(self._encoding)
        return line

    def readlines(self):
        self._current_indx = len('\n'.join(self._linelist))
        self._current_line = len(self._linelist)
        if self._encoding is not None and self:
            return [line.encode(self._encoding) for line in self._linelist]
            return self._linelist[:]

    def __iter__(self):
        for line in self._linelist:
            if self._encoding is not None:
                line = line.encode(self._encoding)
            yield line

# TODO handling bytes/encoding (py 2 and 3)
class _OpenWrite(object):
    def __init__(self, usebytes=False):
        self._str = ''
        self._bytes = usebytes

    def write(self, instr):
        if hasattr(instr, "decode"):
            instr = instr.decode()
        self._str += instr

    def writelines(self, lines):
        for instr in lines:
            if hasattr(instr, "decode"):
                instr = instr.decode()

[docs]@total_ordering class MockPath(object): r"""a mock path, mimicking pathlib.Path, supporting context open method for read/write Parameters ---------- path : str the path string is_file : bool if True is file, else folder content : str content of the file structure: structure of the directory Examples -------- >>> file_obj = MockPath("path/to/test.txt",is_file=True, ... content="line1\nline2\nline3") ... >>> file_obj MockFile("path/to/test.txt") >>> 'test.txt' >>> file_obj.parent MockFolder("path/to") >>> print(str(file_obj)) path/to/test.txt >>> print(file_obj.to_string()) File("test.txt") Contents: line1 line2 line3 >>> file_obj.is_file() True >>> file_obj.is_dir() False >>> with'r') as f: ... print(f.readline().strip()) line1 >>> with'w') as f: ... f.write('newline1\nnewline2') >>> print(file_obj.to_string()) File("test.txt") Contents: newline1 newline2 >>> with file_obj.maketemp() as temp: ... with as f: ... print(f.readline().strip()) newline1 >>> dir_obj = MockPath( ... structure=[{'dir1':[{'subdir':[file_obj.copy_path_obj()]},file_obj.copy_path_obj()]}, ... {'dir2':[file_obj.copy_path_obj()]},file_obj.copy_path_obj()] ... ) >>> dir_obj MockFolder("root") >>> 'root' >>> dir_obj.is_file() False >>> dir_obj.is_dir() True >>> print(dir_obj.to_string()) Folder("root") Folder("dir1") Folder("subdir") File("test.txt") File("test.txt") Folder("dir2") File("test.txt") File("test.txt") >>> "dir1/test.txt" in dir_obj True >>> dir_obj["dir1/test.txt"] MockFile("root/dir1/test.txt") >>> list(dir_obj.iterdir()) [MockFolder("root/dir1"), MockFolder("root/dir2"), MockFile("root/test.txt")] >>> list(dir_obj.glob("*")) [MockFolder("root/dir1"), MockFolder("root/dir2"), MockFile("root/test.txt")] >>> list(dir_obj.glob("dir1/*")) [MockFolder("root/dir1/subdir"), MockFile("root/dir1/test.txt")] >>> list(dir_obj.glob("**")) [MockFolder("root/dir1"), MockFolder("root/dir1/subdir"), MockFolder("root/dir2")] >>> list(dir_obj.glob("**/*")) [MockFolder("root/dir1"), MockFolder("root/dir1/subdir"), MockFile("root/dir1/subdir/test.txt"), MockFile("root/dir1/test.txt"), MockFolder("root/dir2"), MockFile("root/dir2/test.txt"), MockFile("root/test.txt")] # >>> list(dir_obj.glob("\*\*/dir1")) # [MockFolder("root/dir1")] >>> new = dir_obj.joinpath('dir3') >>> new.mkdir() >>> list(dir_obj.iterdir()) [MockFolder("root/dir1"), MockFolder("root/dir2"), MockFolder("root/dir3"), MockFile("root/test.txt")] >>> dir_obj.joinpath("test.txt").unlink() >>> list(dir_obj.iterdir()) [MockFolder("root/dir1"), MockFolder("root/dir2"), MockFolder("root/dir3")] >>> dir_obj.joinpath("dir3").rmdir() >>> list(dir_obj.iterdir()) [MockFolder("root/dir1"), MockFolder("root/dir2")] >>> print(dir_obj.to_string()) Folder("root") Folder("dir1") Folder("subdir") File("test.txt") File("test.txt") Folder("dir2") File("test.txt") >>> dir_obj.joinpath("dir1/subdir") MockFolder("root/dir1/subdir") >>> dir_obj.joinpath("dir1", "subdir") MockFolder("root/dir1/subdir") >>> new = dir_obj.joinpath("dir1/subdir/other") >>> new MockVirtualPath("root/dir1/subdir/other") >>> new.touch() >>> new MockFile("root/dir1/subdir/other") >>> new.unlink() >>> new MockVirtualPath("root/dir1/subdir/other") >>> new.mkdir() >>> new MockFolder("root/dir1/subdir/other") >>> newfile = MockPath('newfile.txt', is_file=True) >>> new.copy_from(newfile) >>> print(new.to_string()) Folder("other") File("newfile.txt") >>> file_obj = MockPath("newfile2.txt",is_file=True, content='test') >>> file_obj.copy_to(new) >>> print(new.to_string()) Folder("other") File("newfile.txt") File("newfile2.txt") >>> = "newfile3.txt" >>> with file_obj.maketemp() as temp: ... new.copy_from(temp) >>> print(new.to_string()) Folder("other") File("newfile.txt") File("newfile2.txt") File("newfile3.txt") >>> print(new.copy_path_obj().to_string()) Folder("other") File("newfile.txt") File("newfile2.txt") File("newfile3.txt") >>> with new.maketemp(getoutput=True) as tempdir: ... tempdir.joinpath("new").mkdir() ... tempdir.joinpath("new/file.txt").touch() >>> print(new.to_string()) Folder("other") Folder("new") File("file.txt") File("newfile.txt") File("newfile2.txt") File("newfile3.txt") """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, path='root', is_file=False, exists=True, structure=(), content='', parent=None): self._path = path self._name = os.path.basename(path) self._exists = exists self._is_file = is_file self._is_dir = not is_file self._content = content.splitlines() self._parent = parent self._children = [] paths = self._splitall(path) if len(paths) > 1 and parent is None: self.parent = MockPath(os.path.join(*paths[:-1])) for subobj in structure: if hasattr(subobj, 'keys'): key = list(subobj.keys())[0] self.add_child(MockPath(os.path.join(self._path, key), structure=subobj[key], parent=self)) elif isinstance(subobj, MockPath): if subobj._parent is not None: raise ValueError("attempting to add a child which already " "has a parent: {}".format(subobj)) self.add_child(subobj) else: raise ValueError( 'items must be dict_like or MockPath: {}'.format(subobj)) def _get_path(self): return self._path path = property(_get_path) def _get_parent(self): if self._parent is None: path = MockPath('subroot') path._children = [self] return path else: return self._parent def _set_parent(self, parent): if parent is None: self._parent = None parentpath = '' else: parentpath = parent.path self._parent = parent self._path = os.path.join(parentpath, for child in self.children: child.parent = self parent = property(_get_parent, _set_parent) def _get_name(self): return self._name def _set_name(self, name): self._name = name if self._parent is not None: self._path = os.path.join(self.parent.path, name) name = property(_get_name, _set_name) def _get_children(self): return self._children[:] children = property(_get_children) def _get_content(self): return self._content[:] file_content = property(_get_content) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Parameters ---------- name: str or list of strings Returns ------- """ next = [] if isinstance(name, basestring): name = self._splitall(name) if isinstance(name, list): if len(name) == 1: name = name[0] else: next = name[1:] name = name[0] if isinstance(name, basestring): for child in self.iterdir(): if == name: if next: return child[next] else: return child raise KeyError("no name: {}".format(name)) else: raise ValueError("name not a list or str: {}".format(name)) def __contains__(self, name): """ Parameters ---------- name: str or list of strings Returns ------- """ try: self[name] return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def add_child(self, child): # TODO could allow same name if one is file and one is dir? if in [ for c in self._children]: raise IOError( "child with this name already exists: {}".format( child.parent = self self._children.append(child)
# TODO need to implement relative naming and switchin to/from
[docs] def absolute(self): return self
# TODO should return a new mock path rather than a str, # need to implement relative naming and switchin to/from
[docs] def relative_to(self, other): return os.path.relpath(self._path, other._path)
[docs] def rename(self, target): if hasattr(target, "name"): name = elif isinstance(target, basestring): name = target else: raise ValueError( "target must be a string or have a name attribute") if not self.exists(): raise IOError("path doesn't exist: {}".format(self)) = name self._path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._path), name)
def _recurse_structure(self): structure = [] for child in self.children: if not child.exists(): continue if child.is_file(): structure.append(child.copy_path_obj()) else: structure.append( { [c.copy_path_obj() for c in child.children]}) return structure
[docs] def copy_path_obj(self): """copy mock path (removing path and parent)""" if self.is_file(): return MockPath(, is_file=True, exists=self.exists(), structure=[], content="\n".join(self._content), parent=None) else: structure = self._recurse_structure() return MockPath(, is_file=False, exists=self.exists(), parent=None, structure=structure)
[docs] def is_file(self): return self._is_file
[docs] def is_dir(self): return self._is_dir
[docs] def exists(self): return self._exists
[docs] def samefile(self, other): return self == other
def _splitall(self, path): if isinstance(path, MockPath): path = os.path.relpath(str(path), str(self)) if not isinstance(path, basestring): raise ValueError( "path is not a string or MockPath: {}".format(path)) allparts = [] while 1: parts = os.path.split(path) if parts[0] == path: # sentinel for absolute paths allparts.insert(0, parts[0]) break elif parts[1] == path: # sentinel for relative paths allparts.insert(0, parts[1]) break else: path = parts[0] allparts.insert(0, parts[1]) return allparts def _flatten(self, l): for el in l: if (isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el, basestring)): for sub in self._flatten(el): yield sub else: yield el
[docs] def joinpath(self, *paths): parts = list(self._flatten([self._splitall(path) for path in paths])) if not parts: raise IOError("must be at least one path") elif len(parts) == 1: if parts[0] == '' or parts[0] == '.': return self for child in self._children: if == parts[0]: return child # does not yet exist, # must use touch or mkdir to convert to file or folder new = MockPath(path=os.path.join( self._path, parts[0]), exists=False, parent=self) self.add_child(new) return new else: for child in self._children: if == parts[0]: return child.joinpath(*parts[1:]) new = MockPath(path=os.path.join( self._path, parts[0]), exists=False, parent=self) self.add_child(new) return new.joinpath(*parts[1:])
# TODO add mode=0o777, exist_ok=False
[docs] def mkdir(self, parents=False): """ Parameters ---------- mode parents: bool If True, any missing parents of this path are created as needed If False, a missing parent raises FileNotFoundError. Returns ------- """ if self.parent is not None: if not self.parent.exists(): if not parents: raise FileNotFoundError( "the parent must exist for {}".format(self)) else: self.parent.mkdir(parents=parents) # mode=0o777, if not self._exists: self._is_file = False self._is_dir = True self._exists = True
# TODO store stat attributes and apply them to mktemp
[docs] def stat(self): """ Retrieve information about a file Parameters ---------- path: str Returns ------- attr: object see os.stat, includes st_mode, st_size, st_uid, st_gid, st_atime, and st_mtime attributes """ class MockStat(object): # at present just returning a typical file result def __init__(self): self.st_mode = 33188 self.st_ino = 74204932 self.st_dev = 16777220 self.st_nlink = 1 self.st_uid = 634541 self.st_gid = 1335817362 self.st_size = 10410 self.st_atime = 1504518028 self.st_mtime = 1504518028 self.st_ctime = 1504518028 def __repr__(self): return ( "MockStatResult(st_mode=33188, st_ino=74204932, " "st_dev=16777220, st_nlink=1, st_uid=634541, " "st_gid=1335817362, st_size=10410, st_atime=1504518028, " "st_mtime=1504518028, st_ctime=1504518028)") return MockStat()
[docs] def chmod(self, mode): """ Change the mode (permissions) of a file Parameters ---------- path: str mode: int new permissions (see os.chmod) Examples -------- To make a file executable cur_mode = folder.stat("").st_mode folder.chmod("", cur_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH ) """ # noqa: E501 pass
[docs] def touch(self): if self.parent is not None: if not self.parent.exists(): raise IOError("the parent must exist") if not self._exists: self._is_file = True self._is_dir = False self._exists = True
[docs] def rmdir(self): if not self._is_dir: raise IOError("path is not a directory") if list(self.iterdir()): raise IOError("path is not empty: {}".format(list(self.iterdir()))) self._exists = False
[docs] def iterdir(self): for subobj in sorted(self.children): if subobj.exists(): yield subobj
# TODO if glob("**/stop") should stop recursing once found
[docs] def glob(self, regex, recurse=False, toplevel=True): """ Parameters ---------- regex: str the path regex, with * to match 0 or more (non-recursive) paths and ** to match zero or more (recursive) directories recurse: bool Yields ------- path: MockPath """ if not regex and toplevel: raise ValueError("Unacceptable pattern: ''") parts = self._splitall(regex) if parts[0] == "**": recurse = True parts = [""] if len(parts) == 1 else parts[1:] if len(parts) == 1: for subobj in sorted(self.iterdir()): if subobj.is_dir() and recurse: yield subobj for path in subobj.glob(parts[0], recurse=recurse, toplevel=False): yield path elif fnmatch(, parts[0]): yield subobj else: for subobj in sorted(self.iterdir()): if subobj.is_dir() and recurse: yield subobj for path in subobj.glob(os.path.join(*parts[1:]), recurse=recurse, toplevel=False): yield path elif fnmatch(, parts[0]): for path in subobj.glob(os.path.join(*parts[1:]), recurse=recurse, toplevel=False): yield path
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def maketemp(self, getoutput=False, dir=None): """make a named temporary file or folder containing the path contents Parameters ---------- getoutput: bool if True, (on exit) new paths will be read/added to the path dir: None or str directory to place temp in (see tempfile.mkstemp) Yields ------ temppath: path.Path path to temporary """ if self.is_file(): filetemp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+', delete=False, dir=dir) try: filetemp.write('\n'.join(self._content)) filetemp.close() dirpath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(, os.rename(, dirpath) yield pathlib.Path(dirpath) finally: try: if getoutput: raise NotImplementedError finally: os.remove(dirpath) else: temppath = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=dir)) dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(str(temppath)), os.rename(str(temppath), dirpath) temppath = pathlib.Path(dirpath) try: self.copy_to(temppath.parent) yield pathlib.Path(dirpath) finally: temppath = pathlib.Path(dirpath) try: if getoutput: self._iter_temp(self, temppath, overwrite=False) finally: for subpath in temppath.glob("**/*"): if subpath.is_file(): subpath.unlink() for subpath in reversed(list(temppath.glob("**"))): subpath.rmdir() if temppath.exists(): temppath.rmdir()
def _iter_temp(self, mock, temp, overwrite=False): if not == raise ValueError( "mock name and temp name different: " "{0}, {1}".format(, child_names = { c for c in mock.children} for subpath in temp.iterdir(): if subpath.is_file(): if in child_names and not overwrite: pass else: with as f: newpath = MockPath(, is_file=True,, exists=True) mock.add_child(newpath) else: if not in child_names: newpath = MockPath(, exists=True) mock.add_child(newpath) else: newpath = child_names[] self._iter_temp(newpath, subpath, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def copy_to(self, target): """ copy from a mock path to a target Parameters ---------- target: str, pathlib.Path or MockPath Returns ------- """ if not self.exists(): raise IOError("this path does not exist") if isinstance(target, basestring): target = pathlib.Path(target) if isinstance(target, pathlib.Path): if not target.is_dir(): raise IOError("target is not a directory") ignore = len(self.path) - len( for path in self.glob("**/*"): newpath = target.joinpath(str(path)[ignore:]) if path.is_dir(): if not newpath.exists(): newpath.mkdir() else: if newpath.exists(): raise IOError( "file already exists: {}".format(newpath)) else: newpath.touch() with'w') as f: if sys.version_info.major > 2: f.write("\n".join(path._content)) else: f.write(unicode('\n'.join(path._content))) elif isinstance(target, MockPath): if not target.is_dir(): raise IOError("target is not a directory") newpath = self.copy_path_obj() return target.add_child(newpath) else: raise ValueError( "target is not str, " "pathlib.Path or MockPath: {}".format(target))
[docs] def copy_from(self, source): """ copy from a source to a mock directory Parameters ---------- source: str or pathlib.Path or MockPath any file like object or path to a file Returns ------- """ if not self.is_dir() or not self.exists(): raise IOError("this path is not an existing directory") if isinstance(source, basestring): source = pathlib.Path(source) if not source.exists(): raise IOError("source does not exist: {}".format(source)) if isinstance(source, MockPath): if not source.exists(): raise IOError("source does not exist: {}".format(source)) else: newpath = source.copy_path_obj() self.add_child(newpath) elif isinstance(source, pathlib.Path): if not source.exists(): raise IOError("source does not exist: {}".format(source)) elif source.is_file(): with as f: content = newfile = MockPath(, is_file=True, parent=self, content=content) self.add_child(newfile) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError( "source is not str, " "pathlib.Path or MockPath: {}".format(source))
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def open(self, mode='r', encoding=None): """ context manager for opening a file Parameters ---------- mode: str encoding: None or str Returns ------- """ if self.is_dir(): raise IOError('[Errno 21] Is a directory: {}'.format(self.path)) if 'r' in mode: obj = _OpenRead(self._content, encoding, "b" in mode) yield obj elif 'w' in mode: obj = _OpenWrite("b" in mode) yield obj self._content = obj._str.splitlines() else: raise ValueError('readwrite should contain r or w')
def __gt__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, 'name'): return NotImplemented return self.path > other.path def __eq__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, 'name'): return NotImplemented return self.path == other.path def _recurse_print(self, obj, text='', indent=0, indentlvl=2, file_content=False): indent += indentlvl for subobj in sorted(obj): if not subobj.exists(): continue if subobj.is_dir(): text += ' ' * indent + \ '{0}("{1}")\n'.format(self._folderstr, text += self._recurse_print( subobj.iterdir(), indent=indent, file_content=file_content) else: if file_content: contents = ['{0}("{1}") Contents:'.format( self._filestr,] contents.extend(subobj._content) sep = '\n' + ' ' * (indent + 1) text += ' ' * indent + sep.join(contents) + '\n' else: text += ' ' * indent + \ '{0}("{1}")\n'.format(self._filestr, return text
[docs] def to_string(self, indentlvl=2, file_content=False, color=False): """convert to string """ if color: self._folderstr = colortxt('Folder', 'green') self._filestr = colortxt('File', 'blue') else: self._folderstr = 'Folder' self._filestr = 'File' if self.is_file(): contents = [ '{0}("{1}") Contents:'.format(self._filestr,] contents.extend(self._content) return '\n'.join(contents) elif self.is_dir(): text = '{0}("{1}")\n'.format(self._folderstr, text += self._recurse_print(self.iterdir(), indentlvl=indentlvl, file_content=file_content) text = text[0:-1] if text.endswith('\n') else text return text else: return 'MockPath({})'.format(
def __str__(self): return self._path # self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): if not self.exists(): return 'MockVirtualPath("{}")'.format(self._path) elif self.is_dir(): return 'MockFolder("{}")'.format(self._path) elif self.is_file(): return 'MockFile("{}")'.format(self._path) else: return 'MockPath("{}")'.format(self._path)
_ATTRIBUTES = dict( list(zip([ 'bold', 'dark', '', 'underline', 'blink', '', 'reverse', 'concealed' ], list(range(1, 9)) )) ) del _ATTRIBUTES[''] _HIGHLIGHTS = dict( list(zip([ 'on_grey', 'on_red', 'on_green', 'on_yellow', 'on_blue', 'on_magenta', 'on_cyan', 'on_white' ], list(range(40, 48)) )) ) _COLORS = dict( list(zip([ 'grey', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', ], list(range(30, 38)) )) )
[docs]def colortxt(text, color=None, on_color=None, attrs=None): """Colorize text. Available text colors: red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white. Available text highlights: on_red, on_green, on_yellow, on_blue, on_magenta, on_cyan, on_white. Available attributes: bold, dark, underline, blink, reverse, concealed. Examples -------- >>> txt = colortxt('Hello, World!', 'red', 'on_grey', ['bold']) >>> print(txt) \x1b[1m\x1b[40m\x1b[31mHello, World!\x1b[0m """ _RESET = '\033[0m' __ISON = True if __ISON and os.getenv('ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED') is None: fmt_str = '\033[%dm%s' if color is not None: text = fmt_str % (_COLORS[color], text) if on_color is not None: text = fmt_str % (_HIGHLIGHTS[on_color], text) if attrs is not None: for attr in attrs: text = fmt_str % (_ATTRIBUTES[attr], text) text += _RESET return text