Source code for jsonextended.units.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -- coding: utf-8 --

from fnmatch import fnmatch

# make units optional when importing jsonextended
    import numpy as np
except ImportError:

from jsonextended.edict import flatten, flatten2d, unflatten, merge

[docs]def get_in_units(value, units): """get a value in the required units """ try: from pint import UnitRegistry ureg = UnitRegistry() except ImportError: raise ImportError('please install pint to use this module') return ureg.Quantity(value, units)
[docs]def apply_unitschema(data, uschema, as_quantity=True, raise_outerr=False, convert_base=False, use_wildcards=False, list_of_dicts=False): """ apply the unit schema to the data Parameters ---------- data : dict uschema : dict units schema to apply as_quantity : bool if true, return values as pint.Quantity objects raise_outerr : bool raise error if a unit cannot be found in the outschema convert_to_base : bool rescale units to base units use_wildcards : bool if true, can use * (matches everything) and ? (matches any single character) list_of_dicts: bool treat list of dicts as additional branches Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> data = {'energy':1,'x':[1,2],'other':{'y':[4,5]},'y':[4,5],'meta':None} >>> uschema = {'energy':'eV','x':'nm','other':{'y':'m'},'y':'cm'} >>> data_units = apply_unitschema(data,uschema) >>> pprint(data_units) {'energy': <Quantity(1, 'electron_volt')>, 'meta': None, 'other': {'y': <Quantity([4 5], 'meter')>}, 'x': <Quantity([1 2], 'nanometer')>, 'y': <Quantity([4 5], 'centimeter')>} >>> newschema = {'energy':'kJ','other':{'y':'nm'},'y':'m'} >>> new_data = apply_unitschema(data_units,newschema) >>> str(new_data["energy"]) '1.60217653e-22 kilojoule' >>> new_data["other"]["y"].magnitude.round(3).tolist(), str(new_data["other"]["y"].units) ([4000000000.0, 5000000000.0], 'nanometer') >>> old_data = apply_unitschema(new_data,uschema,as_quantity=False) >>> old_data["energy"] 1.0 >>> old_data["other"]["y"].round(3).tolist() [4.0, 5.0] """ # noqa: E501 try: from pint import UnitRegistry ureg = UnitRegistry() from pint.quantity import _Quantity except ImportError: raise ImportError('please install pint to use this module') list_of_dicts = '__list__' if list_of_dicts else None # flatten edict uschema_flat = flatten(uschema, key_as_tuple=True) # sorted by longest key size, to get best match first uschema_keys = sorted(uschema_flat, key=len, reverse=True) data_flat = flatten(data, key_as_tuple=True, list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts) for dkey, dvalue in data_flat.items(): converted = False for ukey in uschema_keys: if not len(ukey) == len(dkey[-len(ukey):]): continue if use_wildcards: match = all( [fnmatch(d, u) for u, d in zip(ukey, dkey[-len(ukey):])]) else: match = ukey == dkey[-len(ukey):] if match: # handle that it return an numpy object type if list of floats if isinstance(dvalue, (list, tuple)): dvalue = np.array(dvalue) if dvalue.dtype == np.object: dvalue = dvalue.astype(float) if isinstance(dvalue, _Quantity): quantity =[ukey]) else: quantity = ureg.Quantity(dvalue, uschema_flat[ukey]) if convert_base: quantity = quantity.to_base_units() if as_quantity: data_flat[dkey] = quantity else: data_flat[dkey] = quantity.magnitude break if not converted and raise_outerr: raise KeyError('could not find units for {}'.format(dkey)) return unflatten(data_flat, list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts)
[docs]def split_quantities(data, units='units', magnitude='magnitude', list_of_dicts=False): """ split pint.Quantity objects into <unit,magnitude> pairs Parameters ---------- data : dict units : str name for units key magnitude : str name for magnitude key list_of_dicts: bool treat list of dicts as additional branches Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> from pint import UnitRegistry >>> ureg = UnitRegistry() >>> Q = ureg.Quantity >>> qdata = {'energy': Q(1.602e-22, 'kilojoule'), ... 'meta': None, ... 'other': {'y': Q([4,5,6], 'nanometer')}, ... 'x': Q([1,2,3], 'nanometer'), ... 'y': Q([8,9,10], 'meter')} ... >>> split_data = split_quantities(qdata) >>> pprint(split_data) {'energy': {'magnitude': 1.602e-22, 'units': 'kilojoule'}, 'meta': None, 'other': {'y': {'magnitude': array([4, 5, 6]), 'units': 'nanometer'}}, 'x': {'magnitude': array([1, 2, 3]), 'units': 'nanometer'}, 'y': {'magnitude': array([ 8, 9, 10]), 'units': 'meter'}} """ try: from pint.quantity import _Quantity except ImportError: raise ImportError('please install pint to use this module') list_of_dicts = '__list__' if list_of_dicts else None data_flatten = flatten(data, list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts) for key, val in data_flatten.items(): if isinstance(val, _Quantity): data_flatten[key] = {units: str(val.units), magnitude: val.magnitude} return unflatten(data_flatten, list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts)
[docs]def combine_quantities(data, units='units', magnitude='magnitude', list_of_dicts=False): """ combine <unit,magnitude> pairs into pint.Quantity objects Parameters ---------- data : dict units : str name of units key magnitude : str name of magnitude key list_of_dicts: bool treat list of dicts as additional branches Examples -------- >>> from pprint import pprint >>> sdata = {'energy': {'magnitude': 1.602e-22, 'units': 'kilojoule'}, ... 'meta': None, ... 'other': {'y': {'magnitude': [4, 5, 6], 'units': 'nanometer'}}, ... 'x': {'magnitude': [1, 2, 3], 'units': 'nanometer'}, ... 'y': {'magnitude': [8,9,10], 'units': 'meter'}} ... >>> combined_data = combine_quantities(sdata) >>> pprint(combined_data) {'energy': <Quantity(1.602e-22, 'kilojoule')>, 'meta': None, 'other': {'y': <Quantity([4 5 6], 'nanometer')>}, 'x': <Quantity([1 2 3], 'nanometer')>, 'y': <Quantity([ 8 9 10], 'meter')>} """ # noqa: E501 try: from pint import UnitRegistry ureg = UnitRegistry() except ImportError: raise ImportError('please install pint to use this module') list_of_dicts = '__list__' if list_of_dicts else None data_flatten2d = flatten2d(data, list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts) new_dict = {} for key, val in list(data_flatten2d.items()): if units in val and magnitude in val: quantity = ureg.Quantity(val.pop(magnitude), val.pop(units)) if not val: data_flatten2d.pop(key) new_dict[key] = quantity final_dict = merge([data_flatten2d, new_dict]) # olddict = unflatten(data_flatten2d,list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts) # new_dict = unflatten(new_dict,list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts) return unflatten( final_dict, list_of_dicts=list_of_dicts) # merge([olddict,new_dict])
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest print(doctest.testmod())